python if else in one line like ternary operator

Being a programmer we heard about conditional expressions ,an expression that give you true or false result based on a condition ,here in python how we are going to deal with  ‘  python if else in one line  ‘ ,so let we check how to create an if else statement in one line

suppose we  have below if else statement

if x > 100:
   y = 1
   y = 0
so how to convert above if else statement using python if else one in line
y= 1 if x > 100 else 0

This is simple way to write if else one in line using python

See more

x if cond else y
in simple if condiotion is true the value is x otherwise y

see example

y= "prime" if x =7 else "Non prime"


jQuery code to copy input value to clipboard

Here we are going to explore jQuery code to copy input value to clipboard,Fortunately we have jQuery library function to copy value to clipboard see the code in details to copy input value to clipboard


Now see in details jQuery code to copy input value to clipboard

Suppose i have an input field with id result_value

<input type="text" size="12" class="result_input" id="result_value" value="jQuery code to copy input value to clipboard">

I have to copy the the value to clipborad

(function ( $ ) {
$.fn.copy_text = function() {
$( ".result_value" ).blur(function() {
}( jQuery ));

In simple  jQuery code to copy input value to clipboard

$( ".result_value" ).blur(function() {

See Demo
copy input value to clipboard