How to load more content, while scrolling page down with jquery ?


<ul class="grid effect-2" id="grid">
<li style="width:100%;">
<div class="col-sm-3 col-md-3 col-xs-12 col-lg-3 pb-4">
<img src="" alt="lg-g6-smartphone" width="150" height="150" class="alignnone size-thumbnail wp-image-128" />
</div ></li>
<li style="width:100%;">
<div class="col-sm-3 col-md-3 col-xs-12 col-lg-3 pb-4">
<img src="" alt="lg-g6-smartphone" width="150" height="150" class="alignnone size-thumbnail wp-image-128" />
</div ></li>

Jquery Script

jQuery(window).on('scroll', function(responseTxt, statusTxt, xhr) {
var total_li=jQuery('ul#grid li').length;
var wS = jQuery(this).scrollTop();
var l_total=jQuery('ul#grid li').length*50;
if (wS > l_total){
let req_page = '';
let page_ct = counter += 1;
req_page = req_page+'&page_limit='+page_ct;
var content;
jQuery.get(req_page, function(data){
content= data;

new AnimOnScroll( document.getElementById( 'grid' ), {
minDuration : 0.4,
maxDuration : 0.7,
transitionDuration : 0.2,
viewportFactor : 0.2

How to add a new menu item after user menu in the new menu area wordpress

To add a new menu item after user menu in the new menu area wordpress
  1.  Open function.php file from active theme folder
  2.  Add below code down of that page
  $args = array( 'id' => 'new menu item', 'title' => 'new menu item', 'href' => '', 'parent' => 'new-content', ); $wp_admin_bar->add_node($args); } add_action('admin_bar_menu', 'custom_button_example2', 60);