how to insert Hindi language in MySQL,now ???? is coming in DB

We have to add different languages like Hindi,Marathi, Tamil etc inside text filed as per the required. Normally if you insert Hindi it will come ?????????? instead of characters in DB.To avoid this situation we have to set the DB to utf8 COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci.It support other character set also.Here am going to explain how to set it ,to insert Hindi language in MySQL we have to do below action


How to insert Hindi in MySQL database using PHP, now am getting question mark

Run below SQL query to check default character set

SHOW VARIABLES LIKE ‘character\_set\_%’;

Variable_name             Value
character_set_client      utf8mb4
character_set_connection  utf8mb4
character_set_database    latin1
character_set_filesystem  binary
character_set_results     utf8mb4
character_set_server      latin1
character_set_system      utf8

here the character_set_database value is latin2 To insert Hindi in MySQL database using PHP, we need to update character_set_database value to utf8 ,ALTER DATABASE and change the DB character and set it to utf8 COLLATE utf8_bin


Select all data from MySQL where varchar date greater than today ?

To select all event from MySQL varchar date, that start from tomorrow onwards, for that we have a easy method via using  STR_TO_DATE function.It convert stored date and compare with CURDATE() function

Here in this example I have an even table, in that table event start date is stored in the filed named event_start_time, my requirement is to fetch all event that is greater than today date and ineed in the event date ascending order.

See MySQL query

SELECT * FROM event WHERE STR_TO_DATE(event_start_time, '%d-%m-%Y') > CURDATE() ORDER BY STR_TO_DATE(event_start_time,'%d-%m-%Y') Asc

To Fetch coming 7 days data event

SELECT * FROM event WHERE STR_TO_DATE(event_start_time, '%d-%m-%Y') > CURDATE() AND STR_TO_DATE(event_start_time, '%d-%m-%Y') <= CURDATE() + INTERVAL 7 DAY 

To Fetch coming one month data event

SELECT * FROM event WHERE STR_TO_DATE(event_start_time, '%d-%m-%Y') > CURDATE() AND STR_TO_DATE(event_start_time, '%d-%m-%Y') <= CURDATE() + INTERVAL 30 DAY 

To fetch Today’s Event

SELECT * FROM event WHERE STR_TO_DATE(event_start_time, '%d-%m-%Y') = CURDATE()

How to Import CSV Into MySQL Database Using PHP

Being a PHP developer you would have been consulted Data entry person for manual uploading big CSV files into your MySQL database, he may take 2-3 days to entry the data, to be a developer it’s your responsibility to reduce the man work, fortunately PHP support easy way to upload your big excel files into your database within one click .Here am going to share you the code.

Let’s Get Started

1) Copy below class and save as parseCSV.php

This is main function to parse csv into PHP array format

class parseCSV {
 var $heading = true;
 var $fields = array();
 var $sort_by = null;
 var $sort_reverse = false;
 var $sort_type = null;
 var $delimiter = ',';
 var $enclosure = '"';
 var $conditions = null;
 var $offset = null;
 var $limit = null;
 var $auto_depth = 15;
 var $auto_non_chars = "a-zA-Z0-9\n\r";
 var $auto_preferred = ",;\t.:|";
 var $convert_encoding = false;
 var $input_encoding = 'ISO-8859-1';
 var $output_encoding = 'ISO-8859-1';
 var $linefeed = "\r\n";
 var $output_delimiter = ',';
 var $output_filename = 'data.csv';
 var $keep_file_data = false;
 var $file;
 var $file_data;
 var $error = 0;
 var $error_info = array();
 var $titles = array();
 var $data = array();
 function parseCSV ($input = null, $offset = null, $limit = null, $conditions = null) {
 if ( $offset !== null ) $this->offset = $offset;
 if ( $limit !== null ) $this->limit = $limit;
 if ( count($conditions) > 0 ) $this->conditions = $conditions;
 if ( !empty($input) ) $this->parse($input);

 function parse ($input = null, $offset = null, $limit = null, $conditions = null) {
 if ( $input === null ) $input = $this->file;
 if ( !empty($input) ) {
 if ( $offset !== null ) $this->offset = $offset;
 if ( $limit !== null ) $this->limit = $limit;
 if ( count($conditions) > 0 ) $this->conditions = $conditions;
 if ( is_readable($input) ) {
 $this->data = $this->parse_file($input);
 } else {
 $this->file_data = &$input;
 $this->data = $this->parse_string();
 if ( $this->data === false ) return false;
 return true;
 function save ($file = null, $data = array(), $append = false, $fields = array()) {
 if ( empty($file) ) $file = &$this->file;
 $mode = ( $append ) ? 'at' : 'wt' ;
 $is_php = ( preg_match('/\.php$/i', $file) ) ? true : false ;
 return $this->_wfile($file, $this->unparse($data, $fields, $append, $is_php), $mode);

 function output ($filename = null, $data = array(), $fields = array(), $delimiter = null) {
 if ( empty($filename) ) $filename = $this->output_filename;
 if ( $delimiter === null ) $delimiter = $this->output_delimiter;
 $data = $this->unparse($data, $fields, null, null, $delimiter);
 if ( $filename !== null ) {
 header('Content-type: application/csv');
 header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="'.$filename.'"');
 echo $data;
 return $data;

 function encoding ($input = null, $output = null) {
 $this->convert_encoding = true;
 if ( $input !== null ) $this->input_encoding = $input;
 if ( $output !== null ) $this->output_encoding = $output;
 function auto ($file = null, $parse = true, $search_depth = null, $preferred = null, $enclosure = null) {
 if ( $file === null ) $file = $this->file;
 if ( empty($search_depth) ) $search_depth = $this->auto_depth;
 if ( $enclosure === null ) $enclosure = $this->enclosure;
 if ( $preferred === null ) $preferred = $this->auto_preferred;
 if ( empty($this->file_data) ) {
 if ( $this->_check_data($file) ) {
 $data = &$this->file_data;
 } else return false;
 } else {
 $data = &$this->file_data;
 $chars = array();
 $strlen = strlen($data);
 $enclosed = false;
 $n = 1;
 $to_end = true;
 for ( $i=0; $i < $strlen; $i++ ) {
 $ch = $data{$i};
 $nch = ( isset($data{$i+1}) ) ? $data{$i+1} : false ;
 $pch = ( isset($data{$i-1}) ) ? $data{$i-1} : false ;
 if ( $ch == $enclosure ) {
 if ( !$enclosed || $nch != $enclosure ) {
 $enclosed = ( $enclosed ) ? false : true ;
 } elseif ( $enclosed ) {
 } elseif ( ($ch == "\n" && $pch != "\r" || $ch == "\r") && !$enclosed ) {
 if ( $n >= $search_depth ) {
 $strlen = 0;
 $to_end = false;
 } else {
 } elseif (!$enclosed) {
 if ( !preg_match('/['.preg_quote($this->auto_non_chars, '/').']/i', $ch) ) {
 if ( !isset($chars[$ch][$n]) ) {
 $chars[$ch][$n] = 1;
 } else {
 $depth = ( $to_end ) ? $n-1 : $n ;
 $filtered = array();
 foreach( $chars as $char => $value ) {
 if ( $match = $this->_check_count($char, $value, $depth, $preferred) ) {
 $filtered[$match] = $char;
 $this->delimiter = reset($filtered);
 if ( $parse ) $this->data = $this->parse_string();
 return $this->delimiter;

 function parse_file ($file = null) {
 if ( $file === null ) $file = $this->file;
 if ( empty($this->file_data) ) $this->load_data($file);
 return ( !empty($this->file_data) ) ? $this->parse_string() : false ;
 function parse_string ($data = null) {
 if ( empty($data) ) {
 if ( $this->_check_data() ) {
 $data = &$this->file_data;
 } else return false;
 $white_spaces = str_replace($this->delimiter, '', " \t\x0B\0");
 $rows = array();
 $row = array();
 $row_count = 0;
 $current = '';
 $head = ( !empty($this->fields) ) ? $this->fields : array() ;
 $col = 0;
 $enclosed = false;
 $was_enclosed = false;
 $strlen = strlen($data);
 for ( $i=0; $i < $strlen; $i++ ) {
 $ch = $data{$i};
 $nch = ( isset($data{$i+1}) ) ? $data{$i+1} : false ;
 $pch = ( isset($data{$i-1}) ) ? $data{$i-1} : false ;
 if ( $ch == $this->enclosure ) {
 if ( !$enclosed ) {
 if ( ltrim($current, $white_spaces) == '' ) {
 $enclosed = true;
 $was_enclosed = true;
 } else {
 $this->error = 2;
 $error_row = count($rows) + 1;
 $error_col = $col + 1;
 if ( !isset($this->error_info[$error_row.'-'.$error_col]) ) {
 $this->error_info[$error_row.'-'.$error_col] = array(
 'type' => 2,
 'info' => 'Syntax error found on row '.$error_row.'. Non-enclosed fields can not contain double-quotes.',
 'row' => $error_row,
 'field' => $error_col,
 'field_name' => (!empty($head[$col])) ? $head[$col] : null,
 $current .= $ch;
 } elseif ($nch == $this->enclosure) {
 $current .= $ch;
 } elseif ( $nch != $this->delimiter && $nch != "\r" && $nch != "\n" ) {
 for ( $x=($i+1); isset($data{$x}) && ltrim($data{$x}, $white_spaces) == ''; $x++ ) {}
 if ( $data{$x} == $this->delimiter ) {
 $enclosed = false;
 $i = $x;
 } else {
 if ( $this->error < 1 ) {
 $this->error = 1;
 $error_row = count($rows) + 1;
 $error_col = $col + 1;
 if ( !isset($this->error_info[$error_row.'-'.$error_col]) ) {
 $this->error_info[$error_row.'-'.$error_col] = array(
 'type' => 1,
 'info' =>
 'Syntax error found on row '.(count($rows) + 1).'. '.
 'A single double-quote was found within an enclosed string. '.
 'Enclosed double-quotes must be escaped with a second double-quote.',
 'row' => count($rows) + 1,
 'field' => $col + 1,
 'field_name' => (!empty($head[$col])) ? $head[$col] : null,
 $current .= $ch;
 $enclosed = false;
 } else {
 $enclosed = false;
 } elseif ( ($ch == $this->delimiter || $ch == "\n" || $ch == "\r") && !$enclosed ) {
 $key = ( !empty($head[$col]) ) ? $head[$col] : $col ;
 $row[$key] = ( $was_enclosed ) ? $current : trim($current) ;
 $current = '';
 $was_enclosed = false;
 if ( $ch == "\n" || $ch == "\r" ) {
 if ( $this->_validate_offset($row_count) && $this->_validate_row_conditions($row, $this->conditions) ) {
 if ( $this->heading && empty($head) ) {
 $head = $row;
 } elseif ( empty($this->fields) || (!empty($this->fields) && (($this->heading && $row_count > 0) || !$this->heading)) ) {
 if ( !empty($this->sort_by) && !empty($row[$this->sort_by]) ) {
 if ( isset($rows[$row[$this->sort_by]]) ) {
 $rows[$row[$this->sort_by].'_0'] = &$rows[$row[$this->sort_by]];
 for ( $sn=1; isset($rows[$row[$this->sort_by].'_'.$sn]); $sn++ ) {}
 $rows[$row[$this->sort_by].'_'.$sn] = $row;
 } else $rows[$row[$this->sort_by]] = $row;
 } else $rows[] = $row;
 $row = array();
 $col = 0;
 if ( $this->sort_by === null && $this->limit !== null && count($rows) == $this->limit ) {
 $i = $strlen;
 if ( $ch == "\r" && $nch == "\n" ) $i++;
 } else {
 $current .= $ch;
 $this->titles = $head;
 if ( !empty($this->sort_by) ) {
 $sort_type = SORT_REGULAR;
 if ( $this->sort_type == 'numeric' ) {
 $sort_type = SORT_NUMERIC;
 } elseif ( $this->sort_type == 'string' ) {
 $sort_type = SORT_STRING;
 ( $this->sort_reverse ) ? krsort($rows, $sort_type) : ksort($rows, $sort_type) ;
 if ( $this->offset !== null || $this->limit !== null ) {
 $rows = array_slice($rows, ($this->offset === null ? 0 : $this->offset) , $this->limit, true);
 if ( !$this->keep_file_data ) {
 $this->file_data = null;
 return $rows;

 function unparse ( $data = array(), $fields = array(), $append = false , $is_php = false, $delimiter = null) {
 if ( !is_array($data) || empty($data) ) $data = &$this->data;
 if ( !is_array($fields) || empty($fields) ) $fields = &$this->titles;
 if ( $delimiter === null ) $delimiter = $this->delimiter;
 $string = ( $is_php ) ? "<?php header('Status: 403'); die(' '); ?>".$this->linefeed : '' ;
 $entry = array();
 if ( $this->heading && !$append && !empty($fields) ) {
 foreach( $fields as $key => $value ) {
 $entry[] = $this->_enclose_value($value);
 $string .= implode($delimiter, $entry).$this->linefeed;
 $entry = array();
 foreach( $data as $key => $row ) {
 foreach( $row as $field => $value ) {
 $entry[] = $this->_enclose_value($value);
 $string .= implode($delimiter, $entry).$this->linefeed;
 $entry = array();
 return $string;

 function load_data ($input = null) {
 $data = null;
 $file = null;
 if ( $input === null ) {
 $file = $this->file;
 } elseif ( file_exists($input) ) {
 $file = $input;
 } else {
 $data = $input;
 if ( !empty($data) || $data = $this->_rfile($file) ) {
 if ( $this->file != $file ) $this->file = $file;
 if ( preg_match('/\.php$/i', $file) && preg_match('/<\?.*?\?>(.*)/ims', $data, $strip) ) {
 $data = ltrim($strip[1]);
 if ( $this->convert_encoding ) $data = iconv($this->input_encoding, $this->output_encoding, $data);
 if ( substr($data, -1) != "\n" ) $data .= "\n";
 $this->file_data = &$data;
 return true;
 return false;

 function _validate_row_conditions ($row = array(), $conditions = null) {
 if ( !empty($row) ) {
 if ( !empty($conditions) ) {
 $conditions = (strpos($conditions, ' OR ') !== false) ? explode(' OR ', $conditions) : array($conditions) ;
 $or = '';
 foreach( $conditions as $key => $value ) {
 if ( strpos($value, ' AND ') !== false ) {
 $value = explode(' AND ', $value);
 $and = '';
 foreach( $value as $k => $v ) {
 $and .= $this->_validate_row_condition($row, $v);
 $or .= (strpos($and, '0') !== false) ? '0' : '1' ;
 } else {
 $or .= $this->_validate_row_condition($row, $value);
 return (strpos($or, '1') !== false) ? true : false ;
 return true;
 return false;
 * Validate a row against a single condition
 * @param row array with values from a row
 * @param condition specified condition that the row must match 
 * @return true of false
 function _validate_row_condition ($row, $condition) {
 $operators = array(
 '=', 'equals', 'is',
 '!=', 'is not',
 '<', 'is less than',
 '>', 'is greater than',
 '<=', 'is less than or equals',
 '>=', 'is greater than or equals',
 'does not contain',
 $operators_regex = array();
 foreach( $operators as $value ) {
 $operators_regex[] = preg_quote($value, '/');
 $operators_regex = implode('|', $operators_regex);
 if ( preg_match('/^(.+) ('.$operators_regex.') (.+)$/i', trim($condition), $capture) ) {
 $field = $capture[1];
 $op = $capture[2];
 $value = $capture[3];
 if ( preg_match('/^([\'\"]{1})(.*)([\'\"]{1})$/i', $value, $capture) ) {
 if ( $capture[1] == $capture[3] ) {
 $value = $capture[2];
 $value = str_replace("\\n", "\n", $value);
 $value = str_replace("\\r", "\r", $value);
 $value = str_replace("\\t", "\t", $value);
 $value = stripslashes($value);
 if ( array_key_exists($field, $row) ) {
 if ( ($op == '=' || $op == 'equals' || $op == 'is') && $row[$field] == $value ) {
 return '1';
 } elseif ( ($op == '!=' || $op == 'is not') && $row[$field] != $value ) {
 return '1';
 } elseif ( ($op == '<' || $op == 'is less than' ) && $row[$field] < $value ) {
 return '1';
 } elseif ( ($op == '>' || $op == 'is greater than') && $row[$field] > $value ) {
 return '1';
 } elseif ( ($op == '<=' || $op == 'is less than or equals' ) && $row[$field] <= $value ) {
 return '1';
 } elseif ( ($op == '>=' || $op == 'is greater than or equals') && $row[$field] >= $value ) {
 return '1';
 } elseif ( $op == 'contains' && preg_match('/'.preg_quote($value, '/').'/i', $row[$field]) ) {
 return '1';
 } elseif ( $op == 'does not contain' && !preg_match('/'.preg_quote($value, '/').'/i', $row[$field]) ) {
 return '1';
 } else {
 return '0';
 return '1';
 function _validate_offset ($current_row) {
 if ( $this->sort_by === null && $this->offset !== null && $current_row < $this->offset ) return false;
 return true;

 function _enclose_value ($value = null) {
 if ( $value !== null && $value != '' ) {
 $delimiter = preg_quote($this->delimiter, '/');
 $enclosure = preg_quote($this->enclosure, '/');
 if ( preg_match("/".$delimiter."|".$enclosure."|\n|\r/i", $value) || ($value{0} == ' ' || substr($value, -1) == ' ') ) {
 $value = str_replace($this->enclosure, $this->enclosure.$this->enclosure, $value);
 $value = $this->enclosure.$value.$this->enclosure;
 return $value;

 function _check_data ($file = null) {
 if ( empty($this->file_data) ) {
 if ( $file === null ) $file = $this->file;
 return $this->load_data($file);
 return true;
 function _check_count ($char, $array, $depth, $preferred) {
 if ( $depth == count($array) ) {
 $first = null;
 $equal = null;
 $almost = false;
 foreach( $array as $key => $value ) {
 if ( $first == null ) {
 $first = $value;
 } elseif ( $value == $first && $equal !== false) {
 $equal = true;
 } elseif ( $value == $first+1 && $equal !== false ) {
 $equal = true;
 $almost = true;
 } else {
 $equal = false;
 if ( $equal ) {
 $match = ( $almost ) ? 2 : 1 ;
 $pref = strpos($preferred, $char);
 $pref = ( $pref !== false ) ? str_pad($pref, 3, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT) : '999' ;
 return $pref.$match.'.'.(99999 - str_pad($first, 5, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT));
 } else return false;
 function _rfile ($file = null) {
 if ( is_readable($file) ) {
 if ( !($fh = fopen($file, 'r')) ) return false;
 $data = fread($fh, filesize($file));
 return $data;
 return false;

 function _wfile ($file, $string = '', $mode = 'wb', $lock = 2) {
 if ( $fp = fopen($file, $mode) ) {
 flock($fp, $lock);
 $re = fwrite($fp, $string);
 $re2 = fclose($fp);
 if ( $re != false && $re2 != false ) return true;
 return false;

2) Create a Page Name csv_upload.php

if($_FILES['customer_details']['name']!='') {
	$csv_report	= $_FILES['customer_details']['name'];
	$delimiter = ',';
		if (preg_match('/\\.(csv)$/i', $csv_report) != 1)


			header("Location: csv_upload.php?err=Please upload a CSV-report with the extension.csv");

		else { 
			$csv = new parseCSV();
			$csv->delimiter = $delimiter;
			$separator = $csv->delimiter;
			if (!isset($separator) || $separator == "")


				echo "error";

			foreach ($csv->data as $key => $row) {
                                // Here You can change accordingly


				$customer_id = '';
				$event_id = '';
			        mysql_query("INSERT INTO customers(name,email,mobile,location,birthday,anniversary) VALUES ('".$name."', '".$email."','".$mobile."','".$location."','".$birthday."','".$anniversary."') ");
					$customer_id = mysql_insert_id();

<form enctype="multipart/form-data" method="post"><input name="customer_details" type="file" />
<input name="import_csv" type="submit" value="Upload Customer CSV File" /></form>

3) Open csv_upload.php and upload your files