python f string or python Formatted string literals

python f string is a new string formatting method in python, f string is much simpler and readable way of formatting strings in Python.The f-strings start with f prefix and use {} symbol to evaluate values.The python f-strings stands for python Formatted string literals.


print(f"{var} constant.") 
# Python f string 
link = ''
print(f"{link } is a simple online website for percentage calculations.") 

Out Put is a simple online website for percentage calculations

# Python f-string 

link = ''
print(f"{link} is a website with alexa rank {alexa}") 

Out Put is a website with alexa rank 14999
#using function in python f string 

def sum(x, y):

    return x + y

p = 8
q = 4

print(f'sum  of {p} and {q} is {sum(p, q)}')

Out put

sum  of 8 and 4 is 12

git push remote permission to git denied to user with 403 error

When am trying to push files to git am getting an error ” git push remote permission to git denied to user with 403 error “.It is actually showing the wrong user name ,so first we need to change the git stored Credential user

so first step we need to find the stored Credential and delete it from the system

Check credential info

#git config credential.helper

git push remote permission to git denied to user with 403 error

Open Credential Manager form your system

Control Panel=> All Control Panel Items=>Credential Manager

git push remote permission to git denied to user with 403 error 2

Delete unwanted Credential

Again try to push the commited data

It will ask for your git username and password

remote permission to git denied to user step 3

Mysql query to fetch current month data

Sometimes we need to show only current month data in the application ,so for easy handling the data we should use a Mysql query to fetch current month data.Let we check out how to do that using one MySQL query

See below the Mysql query to fetch current month data

FROM leads
// leads= Table Name
// date = date field name

Here we are fetching current month data using the feature MONTH(CURRENT_DATE()) and MONTH(date)

MONTH(CURRENT_DATE()) will result 8 (since current month is Aug)

Next feature we are using in Mysql query to fetch current month data is YEAR(date) and YEAR(CURRENT_DATE())

YEAR(CURRENT_DATE()) will result 2019 (since today is Aug 24 2019)

so actual Mysql query to fetch current month data will work like this

FROM leads
WHERE MONTH(date) = 9
AND YEAR(date) = 2019

so it will fetch all result form database table leads that having date field value is in august month